Tag Archive | Emergency contraception

NYC schools begin offering the morning-after pill

Different kinds of birth control pills.

Different kinds of birth control pills. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The NYC school district has decided it imperative to provide morning-after pills to teenage girls.  In an effort to curb teen pregnancies school officials have voted to supply the morning-after pill in high schools throughout the city.  The morning-after pill is essentially an abortion pill.  Unlike birth control, the purpose of the morning-after pill is to eliminate any resulting embryo from a sexual encounter.

If you’ve read my blog post Todd Akin is a legitimate idiot, you know my stance on the abortion debate.  Fundamentally, I oppose abortions; thus oppose the morning-after pill.  The legality of abortion doesn’t only center on the sanctity of life, but also the government’s role in assisting mothers in the care of raising their children.  The government cannot ban abortions and subsequently expect financially, struggling mothers to solely raise their children. Read More…