Tag Archive | William Jackson Hooker

10 weeks after Sandy Hook and Congress STILL hasn’t passed a Gun Control Bill

Sandy Hook RibbonIt has been a little bit over 10 weeks since the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  The immediate reaction from the country was a sense of confusion, fear and sincere condolences for the victim’s families.  On December 14th 26 innocent children and adults lost their life when a madman went on a rampage.  That day heroes were born.

Heroes that include:

Victoria Soto, a first-grade teacher, who sacrificed her life as she told the gunman her class was at the auditorium at the other end of the school; thus saving the lives of many of her students.

Kaitlin Roig, a first-grade teacher, who smartly locked her students in a closet and comforted them as they feared for their lives.

Heroes like Dawn Hocksprung, the principal of Sandy Hook, and Mary Sherlach, the school psychologist, who reportedly ran towards the gunman to knock him down and to shield the children running away. Read More…