Archive | January 2014

Devil’s Due (2014)

Devils DueMatt Bettinelli-Olpin directs the latest “horror” film about demonic impregnation.  Zach (Zach Gilford) and Samantha (Allison Miller) have a honeymoon that literally changes their lives.  After a disturbing session with a palm reader, the couple is tricked into going to a famous “club” on the outskirts of town.  The next morning the couple has no clue how they got to their apartment, but figure they must have had a good time.  And by good time they must mean that Samantha was impregnated with an anti-Christ.  Read More…

August: Osage County (2013)

August Osage CountyJohn Wells directs the film-adaptation of the Pulitzer-Prize winning dark comedy play.  The movie centers on a highly dysfunctional family living in the hot and rural Oklahoma city of Pawhuska.  The family returns to Oklahoma to support Violet (Meryl Streep), the drug-addicted and verbally abusive matriarch of the family, when Beverly Weston (Sam Shephard), her alcoholic yet rational husband, goes missing.  The forced family reunion is not of the heart-warming kind. Read More…

Crying baby at Alinea prompts the question if children have a place at high-end restaurants

Baby YellingA crying baby at a high-end restaurant has been the topic of much discussion both in Chicago, where the 3-Michelin-star restaurant resides, and amongst the nation as the story has garnered national attention.  Recently a couple brought their 8-month-old baby to the 64-seat restaurant because the babysitter for whatever reason couldn’t watch the child.  The baby proceeded to cry throughout the entire dinner which prompted many patrons to complain to management.  Read More…

Devil Baby Attack

It’s been awhile since I last posted a viral video and I am reintroducing the theme with a funny clip that is going viral on YouTube.  Similar to the viral campaign entitled Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise which aided in promoting the film Carrie (2013), the marketing department of the upcoming film Devil’s Due released their own genius campaign.

Hope you found it as funny as I did.   Read More…

Her (2013)

Theodore TwombleySpike Jonze’s solo screenwriting debut centers on the life of Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) and his relationship with Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johansson).  Samantha happens to be a futuristic, operating system (think of Apple’s Siri).  The movie chronicles Theodore’s life after a failed marriage that has dampened and changed his perception and outlook of life.  Read More…

Top 10 Songs of 2013

Music guitar

Music guitar (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

These are my favorite songs of 2013.  I want to note that while I like these songs, it does not necessarily mean I like the artist(s) who sing the song.  Read More…