Tag Archive | Greg Hicks

Greg Hicks testifies before Congress on behalf of the Benghazi terrorist attack

Gregory HicksOn September 11th of last year, the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya  was attacked by a terrorist group.  Since the tragedy there have been many different versions of events.  Some politicians have tried to capitalize on the terrorist attack.  Others seek only the truth.  I have closely followed the reports that have emerged through Congress since last year.  I have attempted to share as adequate a picture of the timeline as possible, while maintaining a balanced and fair presentation of the facts.

I have always maintained that I am very hesitant to insinuate the Obama administration of a “cover-up.”  Such an accusation is serious in nature.  I have however, brought forward numerous questions that still almost 8 months later have yet to be announced.  We do know from Congressional testimony from State Department officials that Ambassador Christopher Stevens was denied additional security in the weeks leading up to the attack.  Read More…