Tag Archive | CBS News

Bob Schieffer moderates demure presidential debate

Bob Schieffer of CBS News moderated the last presidential debate in Boca Raton, Florida at Lynn University.  The debate was similar to the first in format but had the candidates sitting behind a table, reminiscent of the vice-presidential debate.  The lively debates have proven to be critical in this close election.  The first debate saw the rise of Big Bird.  The second debate than birthed the infamous phrase: “binders of women.”

The last debate was far more demure in the sense it wasn’t as bombastic as the previous ones.  Both candidates listened to the polls that said that female independent voters were put off by their fiery debates.  I think President Obama came out strong in this debate.  Governor Romney was even weaker in discussing the question on Libya than he was during the second debate.  He didn’t rectify his meek performance on that segment of the debate.  He allowed the president to get a “pass” on the debacle of foreign affairs. 
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Eric Nordstrom says his Libyan security requests were ignored

With new details emerging by the day on the Libyan consulate attack I thought I’d type an update to the ongoing investigation.  In addition, to the details revealed last Friday and in the last two days startling information are emerging through the Oversight Committee investigation.   A State Department officer who worked in Libya has told congressional investigators he requested more security for the consulate in Benghazi months before it came under attack but that he received no reply from Washington.

Eric Nordstrom, regional security official at the Tripoli Embassy until July, told investigators he sent two memos to the State Department in March and July, requesting more diplomatic security agents for the Benghazi consulate.  Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., stated: “there was a clear disconnect between what security officials on the ground felt they needed and what officials in Washington approved.”  Jake Tapper, ABC News Senior White House Correspondent, has learned that Eric Nordstrom has told congressional investigators that security at the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, was “inappropriately low” – and believed that State Department officials stood in the way of his attempts to change that. Read More…